We are very aware the current financial situation is a struggle for many of our members. With this in mind, we are continuously reviewing information and advice, along with liaising with other Credit Unions to ensure that we are doing all we can to support our members.
To find our more information on this scheme, click here
Many energy suppliers have support funds and hardship grants available for their customers who are struggling. If you are in debt with your energy supplier, you may be able to get a grant from your supplier to help pay it off.
Here's a list of energy suppliers who offer grants to their customers:
British Gas Energy Support Fund - apply for a grant on the British Gas Energy Trust website
Scottish Power Hardship Fund - apply for a grant on the Scottish Power Hardship Fund website
Ovo Energy Fund - apply for a grant on the Ovo Energy Fund website
E.ON Energy Fund - apply for a grant on the E.ON Energy Fund website
E.ON Next Energy Fund - apply for a grant on the E.ON Next Energy Fund website
EDF Energy Customer Support Fund - sign up to the priority services register to apply for a grant on the EDF Energy website
Bulb Energy Fund - apply for a grant on the Bulb Energy Fund website
Octopus ‘Octo Assist Fund’ - apply for a grant on the Octopus website
If you are unable to get a grant from your own supplier, you might be able to get a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust.
These grants are available to anyone - you don’t have to be a British Gas customer to be eligible.
It is also possible that you may be able to access local grants and you can see what's available in your area on the Simple Energy Advice website
Please check back here from time to time, as we will review this information regularly to ensure that we are bringing you as much information as we can.
SES Water offers several payment support schemes to help customers who may be struggling financially. Below is a statement from them
SES WATER - If you're having difficulty paying your bill, the sooner you tell us the better. We can't cancel the bill, but we may be able to suggest more manageable payment options. Such as our Water Support discount scheme which could give you 50% off your bill.
You’ll qualify for this discount if your household income (not including disability benefits) is:
less than £16,480 before any deductions, if you do not live in a London borough; or
less than £20,111 before any deductions, if you do live in a London borough
You can find our more information about the scheme by visiting: or you can call us on 01737 785606.